Walt's Worm pattern by Barry Ord Clarke

Walt’s Worm fly

When it comes to fly fishing, having the right fly pattern can make all the difference between a successful day on the water and going home “empty-handed”. One fly pattern that has gained popularity in recent years is the Walt’s Worm fly.

The Walt’s Worm is a simple but most popular competition jigs nymph fly pattern that was developed by Walt Young in the 1990s. It is a versatile pattern that can imitate a variety of aquatic insects, including mayfly nymphs, caddis larvae, and midge pupae.

Although an easy tie, there are a few nice techniques in this pattern that are worth learning.

Walt’s worm fly pattern

Fly tying tools:

Petitjean Swiss-Vise Master
Petitjean TT Bobbin
Stonfo Pettine Comb Brush

Walt’s worm how to tie

How to Fish a Walt’s Worm

The Walt’s Worm is an effective pattern for fishing in a variety of situations. It can be fished as a dropper nymph under a dry fly or indicator, or it can be fished on its own as a dead drift or swung through the current.

When fishing a Walt’s Worm, it is important to vary the retrieve speed and depth until you find what the fish are responding to. The pattern can be fished slowly along the bottom, twitched to imitate a struggling insect, or swung through the current to imitate a swimming nymph.


The Walt’s Worm is a simple but effective nymph fly pattern that should be a staple in every fly fisherman’s fly box. Its versatility and effectiveness make it a great choice for imitating a variety of aquatic insects, and its ease of tying makes it a great pattern for beginners and experienced tiers alike.

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One thought on “Walt’s Worm fly

  1. It seems like I learn something new with every tying video you post! This time, it was the way you shaped your dubbing BEFORE you started twisting up your dubbing loop. It seems very effective at getting the desired dubbing profile along the hook shank. That is something I will definitely start doing. And, of course, there is the ingenious way you apply varnish to a bead-headed fly. I had seen you do that before on an earlier video but it was a good reminder for me.

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